Morocco the Colonial Product.

Morocco is a colonial product; therefore, its collaborator dictatorship and agents are heartless unhuman. exerting tyrannical fascist's hatred and degradations of the poor innocent naivest victims. Illiteracy, starvation, negligence, degradations, and tortures are their favorite tools, and hypocritical stands of dominance. Moroccan dungeons of horrors are full to the brim, activists, and political prisoners. Doctors are protesting by starving in a hunger Strick for the right to work in a dark age society. Le Maroksenegali est le produit coloniale qui date depuis 1912. Avant le protectorat il n'avait pas de govenement centrale, ni une nation, ou pays Marokisenegali! Historically Morocco is void of kindness, humanity, common sense. or could these descriptions be an exaggerated pigment of my imagination? My friends, it depends on how much you know about Morocco? They need to turn Sahara into an International-dumpsite. When will the USA Govt press the totalitarian fascist's dictatorship into respecting human rights, in Morocco by freeing the innocent political prisoners from its dungeons of horrors, and shame? When will Algeria invades the occupied Morocco to free its people from slavery!?


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