Understanding the peculiar criminal-Regime of Morocco.

By the elected President Mr. Richard Azzouz Hawari. Based on its historical location in The North African corner, it played important roles in the passage of time, to our anthropological developments of tribes, kingdoms, and societies, later men made Nations. Traversing time, and the Pillars of Herculis, or what was the phrase that was applied in antiquity. North Africa's history was shaped by wars, skirmishes of opportunist’s fortunes seekers. Invasions, and invaders from the East, and the West. flocked to its beautiful shores, and fertile lands, and rich natural deposits resources of its Atlas Mountains. Desert crawlers from the backdoor destitute invaders in the name of Islam, a pretext of the Syrian’s army, of Abbasside’s, Aloumayioeene and their foot soldiers’ tribes from Arabia, and Yaman. Crawling from Egypt to Libya, Carthage, Algeria, Mauritania on the way to Spain (Andalousia) Throughout these historical passage in centuries of bloody wars, immigrations, conquests h...