Who's Protecting the Corrupt Criminals?

By Mr. Richard Azzouz To YouTube. The video in question, is entered as evidence of unpunished crimes, by the Moroccan police state. Unfortunately, they are encouraged, covered up, as in censured. they continue to commit in perpetuity atrocious crimes, against humanity. Please do not cover up for a criminal organization, a crime, is a crime, and it should be documented and exposed to the world. As a human rights advocate in the name of humanity lets expose their crimes, and demand justice. They are rich, and powerful, they get away with murders, and it has to stop! Please do not remove crime evidence from history books! In doing so, you will have to delete the Nazis crimes against humanity as well! Any court of law will support my assessment, as I challenge you to test my resolve. Sincerely, Mr. Richard Azzouz GS12 USA. Hi Richard Azzouz, We have reviewed your appeal for the following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5mUGRFIKZU&lc=UgwMu1mFL9sPc8vOBvl4AaABAg Video: Atr...