
Showing posts from February, 2023

Who's Protecting the Corrupt Criminals?

By Mr. Richard Azzouz To YouTube. The video in question, is entered as evidence of unpunished crimes, by the Moroccan police state. Unfortunately, they are encouraged, covered up, as in censured. they continue to commit in perpetuity atrocious crimes, against humanity. Please do not cover up for a criminal organization, a crime, is a crime, and it should be documented and exposed to the world. As a human rights advocate in the name of humanity lets expose their crimes, and demand justice. They are rich, and powerful, they get away with murders, and it has to stop! Please do not remove crime evidence from history books! In doing so, you will have to delete the Nazis crimes against humanity as well! Any court of law will support my assessment, as I challenge you to test my resolve. Sincerely, Mr. Richard Azzouz GS12 USA. Hi Richard Azzouz, We have reviewed your appeal for the following: Video: Atr...

The German spy "Walter Balterz" in the Rif.

The German spy "Walter Balterz", who was known in the Rif as "Mr. Hermann". On August 22, 1915, the German Walter Balterz landed in Souani, together with his compatriot Farli Lang (called Rqayd Far by the Riffians) and his Tunisian worker. The three got out of a sailboat owned by Rais Mohend Boudra, which was used for transport and trade between Arif and Spain. Rais Boudra received from the Germans as a present; a pistol, a rifle and a flag of the Ottoman Empire for his loyalty to Abdelkrim Elkhattabi and keeping the secret of their arrival. The German spy was on a secret mission; he wanted to persuade the Ait Wayagher and the rest of the Riffians to wage a proxy war against the French in Rif and Morocco. 103 years ago, the three foreigners landed in Souani, accompanied by two local people, namely: 1.The brother-in-law of the El Khattabi family, Mohend Boudra, who married Fadhma n Abdelkrim Elkhattabi (the older sister of the later president of Arif Republic o...

My experience in Morocco.

Hawari Richard. A Challange. I'm here asking the Moroccans to produce a decry where you have liberated or freed your Moroccan slaves!? Like the Britch Royal decry, a declaration! Or something to prove to the world your humanity!? By law, if you have one slave in your mists, it means the entire Nation is made of slaves! Prove me wrong slaves! Introduction. Orwell's experiences in Morocco and his reflections on the country give insight into the cultural, political, and social aspects of Morocco at the time. Morocco was under the control of the French Protectorate, which was a period of French colonial rule in Morocco from 1912 to 1956. During this time, the French exercised significant control over the country's political and economic affairs. Morocco gained independence from France in 1956, following years of resistance and political activism. Understanding this historical context helps to put into perspe...

The Hidden crimes against the Berber's Nation. الجرائم الخفية ضد الأمة البربرية

Mr. HAWARI Richard Azzouz. We will keep demanding accountability and justice until we get meaningful reform. We are not Arabs, and we don't want to be their second, in our own occupied North Africa! We are a nation of Berbers located in North Africa, prior to the arrival of the invading hordes of cruel terrorists. With the complicities of the British, the French, the Spaniards, and the Catholic Church. They have tailored a new fake imaginary identity above ours, and land, these accomplices' colonial slavers have maintained, and supported the fake Arab apartheid, the actual despotic cruel racist regimes in North Africa! Nous ne sommes pas arabes, et nous ne voulons pas être leurs deuxièmes, dans notre propre Afrique du Nord occupée ! Nous sommes une nation de Berbères située en Afrique du Nord, avant l’arrivée des hordes envahissantes de terroristes cruels. Avec la complicité des Britanniques, des Français, des Espagnols et de l’Église catholique. Ils ont adap...