What do you know about what's hidden from Humanity? ماذا تعرف عن ما هو مخفي عن الإنسانية
Richard Azzouz HAWARI.
This is the official narrative, when it come to the hidden truth about our brothers, and enemies from outer space. " the popular culture and scientific theories surrounding extraterrestrial life, as well as the history of human speculation about the possibility of life on other planets. However, it is important to note that there is currently no scientific evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life, and all information regarding the technologies and history of any potential alien civilizations is purely speculative. It's also important to note that any exchange with any alien race is purely fictional at the moment"
Dulce Base https://www.huffpost.com/entry/that-time-subterranean-al_b_5182945
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dulce Base is the subject of a conspiracy theory claiming that a jointly-operated human and alien underground facility exists under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado–New Mexico border near the town of Dulce, New Mexico, in the United States.[1] Claims of alien activity there first arose from Albuquerque businessman Paul Bennewitz.[2]
Starting in 1979, Bennewitz became convinced he was intercepting electronic communications from alien spacecraft and installations outside of Albuquerque. By the 1980s he believed he had discovered a secret underground base near Dulce populated by grey aliens and humans.[3] By 1983, Bennewitz's claims appeared in the popular press.[4]
The story spread rapidly within the UFO community and by 1987, UFOlogist John Lear claimed he had independent confirmations of the base's existence.[5]
In 1986, George Clinton Andrews discussed Dulce Base legends in his book Extra-Terrestrials Among Us.[6] In 1988, the tabloid Weekly World News published a story entitled "UFO base found in New Mexico" which claimed that "diabolical invaders from another solar system have set up a secret underground base in the rugged mountains of northern New Mexico – so they can shanghai human guinea pigs for bizarre genetic experiments". The Weekly World News story used supposed quotes from UFOlogist Leonard Stringfield as a source for its claims. Upon learning of the story, Stringfield protested, "I never read such a distortion of facts in my life".[7] In 1990, a "Paul Snyder" wrote about Dulce Base conspiracies.[8][9]
Political scientist Michael Barkun wrote that Cold War underground missile installations in the area gave superficial plausibility to the rumors, making the Dulce base story an "attractive legend" within UFOlogy. According to Barkun, claims about experiments on abductees and firefights between aliens and the Delta Force place the Dulce legend "well outside even the most far-fetched reports of secret underground bases."[2]
Residents of Dulce claim to have seen UFOs, strange moving lights, and other unexplained sightings in the area.[10] Jicarilla Apache Legislative Council president Ty Vicenti "has embraced the notion of a Dulce Base, partly in a push to stimulate tourism", and in 2016, the town hosted the Dulce Base UFO Conference at the local casino hotel.[11] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je3Qu-xMuxM&t=58s
Remember; these are no more than lies, and low propaganda by the concerend like the N.S.A, and Governments officials; lies to hide the truth!
Here;The need to know; We have left with what they will label as conspiracy, and confusions! As if we are not capable to generate a synthesis, definitions, or comprehend nor question what was the true purpose of the Pyramids, and the overwhelming numbers of fare advanced monuments scared around the globe. Let's do some probing into what is forbidden then, and see how they may like it? When we blow their minds with facts! By the way they are called "the controllers, the intimidators, the cable, the secret society, the sanguinarias, the breakaway civilization, men in black, the spooks, the world order, the Bankers, the warmongers, the pedophile criminals, the elitists, the privileged few, the shakers. the thinktank, the politicians, the clergy. What have they in common? Greed! Let see if this event of Roswell, and its aftermath my refresh their memories? What do you know?
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