What is the Moroccan Position at the United Nations?
By Mr. Richard Azzouz. Florida. 10/11/22.
My curiosity led me to search for an answer that will satisfy my troubled inquisitive mind in times of setback, and accumulated errors of great magnitude, mistakes, or intentional acts, or a non-gratifying action.
In our times of incertitude, and poor judgements. A search for a decisive truth took me to the United Nations rules, regulations, affairs, conducts, meanings? And so, and forth.
Hoping to figure out why a little 3rd world country like Morocco, and the likes, do not respect human rights charter, nor abide by the rules of law? Well let me tell you this as I must. Morocco, and its criminal gangs should not be considered a Bonafede Nation! I know, this is a serious statement, but I’m confident of its assertion! First, let us see what the United Nations organization, has for its defense? When the law is broken by one of its official Nation-member, in this case the spoiled brat, or the terrible child-Morocco, the accused of human rights violation, crimes against humanity, an apartheid, a heinous dictatorship criminal hypocrite here accused. When the United Nations, has decreed certain civil laws, Morocco was still under a French protectorate, or occupation, as they prefer to call it in Morocco. Who invited the French, or why is it called the French Protectorate of 1912? At the United Nations corner we have this agreed up on procedures, and regulations of mankind, and respectable Nation, as humanity submerged railing, bleeding, angrily stunned and suffering from a tragic calamity of a Nazis era, and its darkest times of a brutal tyrannical vicious criminal mentality of a supreme totalitarian dictator, and his dogs. The United Nations was forced by its circumstances to figure out a solution preventing a reoccurrence of such Barbarian toxic Hitlerian euphoric poison. So, they came up with these rules in agreement to save humanity from itself.
But again, after reading these Internationally agreed upon rules, we will have to conclude in the case of Morocco vs the world, the guilt of the Moroccan criminals in violating human rights, through their antiquary’s menagerie of imbeciles seeking to maintain a corrupt power in the medieval times. In so doing they have forbidden the free journalistic professionalism, they have assassinated activists in the at most horrific theatrics intentionally to scare away the opposition, the corrupt cowards have kidnapped many bloggers, and objective critics. Dungeons of shame is the arm of tyranny, diseases, and abuse The victims’ names, and crimes at to be provided for future trails of the Moroccan regime of thuggery. Abuse of power, theft of our rich resources by the same criminals, who have deprived the population of necessities, and the obligatory of citizenship’s rights and privileges. So, a crime is a crime.
Free these innocent victims of Moroccan tyranny now! Who are in dungeons of shame for expressing their opinions! Shame on the U.N.
----------------------------------------------------- https://www.un.org/ruleoflaw/un-and-the-rule-of-law/
“The normative foundation for UN rule of law assistance at the national level is the UN Charter and other relevant sources of international law including international human rights law, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and international refugee law.
Declarations and resolutions of the main organs of the UN, as well as other applicable Organization documents, guidelines, and bodies of principles may further define and guide UN rule of law assistance. UN assistance may be further guided by relevant regional instruments and practices that conform to UN and international norms and standards and on lessons identified and expert reviews and evaluations of concluded assistance programs. In addition, rule of law assistance must be consistent with the international legal obligations applicable to the country and consider relevant reviews and country reports.
A whole-of-system UN approach to rule of law assistance, which seeks to overcome fragmentation and facilitate the use of existing rule of law capacities across the system, is a key ingredient in a well-coordinated institutional rule of law response. All UN entities involved in rule of law assistance should operate according to shared approaches and strategies, achieved through effective coordination, and recognize that the success of UN engagement is linked to the extent of its partnerships and support for national ownership.
The Global Focal Point for the Rule of Law (GFP) is a coordination platform created by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to enhance the predictability, coherence, accountability, and effectiveness of the UN delivery in the rule of law. At Headquarters, the GFP is co-chaired by the Department of Peace Operations (DPO) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and it includes as partners UNODC, UNHCR, OHCHR, EOSG, and UN Women. At the field level, the senior UN official in-country is responsible for the implementation of GFP arrangements.
At the Senior Executive level, the Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group (RoLCRG) is chaired by the Deputy Secretary-General, has the overall leadership role for the rule of law. The ROLCRG was established to advance United Nations’ efforts on the rule of law in a coordinated and collaborative manner. ROLCRG brings together entities across the United Nations on a range of key issues that have an impact on peace and security, human rights, and development.
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