The subtill truth of a vicious despotism. الحقيقة الفرعية للاستبداد الشرير
Here on this old video, I have voiced my concerns as a free American/Berber citizen, in front of the white house, enraged, and disgusted with the Moroccan criminal mafia, and its criminal despot M6, who has allowed, and facilitated ethnic cleansing of the Berber's in the Rif, and the Atlas. Tyranny, racism, and its corrupt spirits; As you could see, my protest is here clearly documented in one of my previous YouTube channels, have you to know, this is my 21st channel, due to censorship, and the International corrupt system. An entire nation of the Berber's is disappearing in font of our eyes. For the interests of the imperialist's hegemony. My people from north African, the autochthones, are prosecuted, neglected oppressed, and disinherited by the invading hordes of slavers. Supported by the opportunist consorts. The Vatican greed, the French Jacobite's, the Spaniards, the Portuguese, and the Britz, who have helped instore, and prepped these heinous masonic criminals, who proclaimed to be Holy, and Sacred the pretending descendants of Mohamed from Arabia. Today Morocco, is in a dangerously mapped deception, and its reactive unpleasant circumstances. Facing a calamity, a disastrous economical failure, enraged, famished illiterate majority, victimized by the confreries of fanatism Islamic agents for hire, the Berbers in their own rights demanding cessation, Rif is brutalized, famished, prosecuted, and neglected. Terrorists, pedophiles, murderous, assassins, and thieves, nepotism, and power abuse by the privileged few. The Moroccan human rights violations have left the Moroccan flag into an alarming signal worldwide! Today we demand the abduction of the prerendering agents' criminals, judgements for their crimes against humanity, and abuse of power. By Mr. Richard Azzouz. Florida 10/6/22.
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