Free The Amazigh's Nation from the invading Racists.حرر الأمة الأمازيغية من العنصريين الغزاة
Why should the Berbers of North Africa accommodate their cruel aggressors' invaders, the sworn enemy of the Berbers population, history, culture, and language; To further transgress without opposition? The answer, is in trusting the hypocrite racist fanatic's expansionist enemy's promises, lies, and Arab's treacheries. Today, I must confess of my revolting aggravation to the extreme level of the fanatic enemy's cruelty. In calling the aggressors ""enemies" it goes to show my disgusting opinion of such Barbaric behavior of the ruling class in North Africa, The corrupt brutal bloody cruel satanists Arab regimes, ''The criminals". With the support of foreign opportunist, they have shaped North Africa's momentums to reflect unity under the Islamic banner. A deception by the greedy fanatic terrorists Islamists agents, who have supported such treason and its invading foreign Arabic dictatorial notion of tyrannical absurdity. Under the deceptive umbrella of national unity manipulated by the French, and Imperialists agents, the Berber's question, or place in these evil schemes was in the second category, supposal the national unity is at the helms of our struggle for liberty, and independence from whom, or what? Remains vague, and ambiguous up till today; And since the same French agents, are the ones who are fighting me, and my people in general for our basic rights. Therefore, they have invaded North Africa, for the loots, expansionism, and to reduce, and to abuse the autochthones, as they have massacred my people, in a heinous ethnic cleansing, forbidding our language, ethnicity, history, and disinheriting the Berber's population out of it lands, and existence! These cited crimes are well recorded, throughout our painful history since the arrival of the racists-savages, the pretenders, a documented cycle of bloody schizoids crimes against humanity in the name of their faith. Here again I protest, in the name of the victims, or our protests are here also adding weight to our struggle, resistance, accusations and screams. One day soon, this case, or the file of our grievances will find its right place under the Sun. By Mr. Richard Azzouz. Florida. 10/822.
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