
Showing posts from September, 2024

War Crimes, and the enforcer's orders!

The subtle ethnic cleansing of an entire Nation, country and its isolated forsaken Palestinians; coupled with starvation, genocides, and dehumanization of the hopeless poor. It is justified by the bias propagating opportunist media, in their demonic continuity in covering up for the Globalist acquisitions, and expansionism. The prevailing narrative of Satanist's hypocrisy is woven by the same victims of the tyrannical past. Remember justifying a crime of such proportional magnitude, serves only the greedy void of empathy. Overlooking the consequences of their atrocities is a dangerous precedence, and what will ensue will be an astonishingly shocking and dangerous result. I add; If the present case of Gaza didn't move you then I don't know what will? In considering yourself a numb zombie! I'm shocked to find out about these zombies, who are encouraging the bloody sufferings in Gaza or conflicts around the world, taking it as if it is a virtual soccer matc